Fak’ugesi Digital Africa Conference 2014 convened by University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg South Africa, Planetary Collegium CAiiA & T-Node, with the support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foudation, IFAS Institut Francais South Africa. Proceedings will be published by International Intellect’s Journal: Technoetic Arts.
The Planetary Collegium T-Node is part of the Fak’Ugesi Digital Africa Conference 2014
In recognition of the role digital technology is destined to play in “Africa’s Century”, Wits University has hosted Fak’ugesi: Digital Africa Conference 2014 from 04 to 06 December 2014, the conference promoted an important fusion between technology, art and critical thinking within the digital technology domain.
Conference aimed at creating a platform for research on technology, art and culture in Africa. To present local and international research where technology as a convergent form intersect with socio-cultural, development and creative practices. In addition it acts as a platform for the Fak’ugesi Digital Africa Festival to reflect its contributions in the field.
- Fakugesi Conference 2014
- Fakugesi Conference 2014
- Fakugesi Conference 2014
- Fakugesi Conference 2014
- Fakugesi Conference 2014
- Fakugesi Conference 2014