Ars Academy will be presenting and discussing on How the Arts can stimulate innovation in business, a roundtable with industrialists, entrepreneurs, technologists and artists during the STARTS Symposium at BOZAR, the 22-23 june 2015 Bruuxelles.
Ars Academy will be part of the discussion on the ways in which the Arts can contribute to innovation in business. How the arts can nurture new busines models including social entrepreneurship. With us there will be: Valentina Montalto, Creative SpIN, KEA, Smart Guide To Creative Spill-Overs For Citie, Cristian Beza, Founder ARTADYS, Jo Libeer, chairman of VOKA, Monica Bello, Head of ARTS@CERN, Catherine Magnant, DG EAC, European Commission (tbc), James Davis, Google Cultural Institute, London.
Francesco Monico, senior partner of Ars Academy will present to speakers the STINNOVATON CUP open research project, developed with ST Microelectronics.
STARTS is an event co-organized by BOZAR and European Commission, Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology June 22-23 at BOZAR, Brussels.
Today, an increasing number of high tech companies and research institutions, world-wide, assert that the critical skills needed for innovation to happen and to be of value for society are – in addition to scientific and technological skills – skills such as creativity and capacity to involve all of society in the process of innovation. In this context, the Arts are gaining prominence as a catalyst for an efficient conversion of S&T knowledge into novel products, services, and processes.
Working at the nexus between Science, Technology, and the ARTS, we begin to see opportunities for piloting cross-sectorial collaboration to enhance and promote innovation. To foster such collaboration, the European Commission is launching its STARTS –S&T&ARTS programme.
In the STARTS symposium, we will explore the catalytic role of the Arts for innovation in business, industry and society and how to foster it. Possible synergies will be analyzed from an entrepreneurial, technological, scientific, social, and artistic angle. Already existing collaboration of S&T with the Arts in European Commission funded projects will be particularly highlighted.