ARS ACADEMY RESEARCH operates in the field of Research and Education, in line with an academic, syncretic approach that sees research and training as processes integrated in a sophisticated complexity of meaningful relationships.

This is why Ars Academy has developed its own method of formal, non-formal and informal education, though the term “method” may be misleading, because this is a project in the form of a process that does not present itself as an education movement, but instead recommends a dialogue between a territory, authors and already existing books. This Method is based on a ternary process of training:


At the center of the Ars Academy method there is the conviction that every skill should always be accompanied by pertinent Knowledge, and by related Critical Thought.

Knowledge is an understanding of facts, truths or information through introspection, which acts a priori, or the learning that is achieved a posteriori.Knowledge is possession of connected pieces of information, which taken individually are of less value and use. It is therefore a particular form of information, equipped with its own usefulness.Knowledge is studied by the disciplines of epistemology (which focuses on knowledge hypothesized as “exact” or as science that is measured in the methods and conditions of knowledge), gnoseology (found in the classical philosophical tradition, regarding the a priori problems of knowledge in a universal sense of the term) and hermeneutics (which focuses on the possible forms of interpretation).Knowledge is an investment in the future, because it permits evolutionary adaptability and problem solving. Furthermore, it permits the action of “care for the self,” a central praxis in the definition of the postmodern subject.

Thought is a process that leads to the formation of ideas, concepts, awareness, imagination, desires, critique, judgement, and every depiction of the world; it can be conscious or unconscious.